Lost Wax Casting Course


Not sure yet? Let me answer some frequently asked questions about Lost Wax Jewellery Making.

Is a Lost Wax Jewellery Making setup expensive?

Absolutely not! Quite often people feel intimidated by the finished product and think, "I'd have to buy really expensive tools to make something like that." Truth be told, all jewellery making mediums can become expensive if you choose to invest in top-of-the-line tools. Fortunately, Lost Wax is an art form that requires you invest only in your patience and creativity. My tools list will show you how to achieve a comprehensive jewellery-making setup for under AU$150.

What kind of stones do I have to use?

The best thing about jewellery making is there are no rules. Use whatever style, cut, and colour stones you like. In each module of my course, I demonstrate a technique with not only the stone I'm using, but I also explain how you can use the same technique on a totally different shape or style stone.

Do I have to cast the wax myself?

Nope! The beauty of Lost Wax Jewellery Making is that you can actually outsource the most costly and time-consuming component - the casting. Click here to access a full guide on what to expect when finding and working with a casting house.

I don't have any experience, can I join your course?

Absolutely! My course is designed for both complete beginners and experienced jewellers. Because my course teaches unique systems and techniques completely exclusive to SoaC, learners of all levels will find themselves engaged while refining their skillset. My course requires no pre-requisites and explains everything from the start in a way that's easy to understand. Remember, I started from nothing as well, so I understand better than anyone how to build your skills up from there!

I already make/sell jewellery, is your course right for me?

Absolutely! Even if you already make or sell jewellery, SoaC's Lost Wax Jewellery Making Masterclass is guaranteed to supercharge your learning. My teaching captures all aspects of wax jewellery making in such detail that experienced jewellers will walk away with an improved and unmatched skillset. Remember, the skills in the course are mine alone, shared for the first time ever - and this is the only place you can access them.

How do I make the rings with the pearls, fancy stones, opals etc?

Making jewellery with stones or pearls requires that you learn the art of stone setting. There are multiple types of stone settings: bezel, claw, and prong being the most common. Each setting style requires a different approach, and can take some time to master. In my Lost Wax Jewellery Making Masterclass, multiple stone setting styles are covered in depth, giving you the confidence to use them in your future designs to create incredible jewellery.

I'm scared to make the investment!

That's totally natural! If you're not quite ready to completely transform your life with this profitable and rewarding skill, check out my Silver Clay Guide. Here, you can get a taste for jewellery making at a fraction of the price and timeframe. Furthermore, check my Free Resources page for completely free worksheets to find your confidence in the art form.

Cairns, Australia

In-studio hours

Monday - Friday 9 a.m - 5 p.m


Contact Chrissie

I'll get back to you as soon as I can!